• Barcelona Centre
  • Get Business
  • Residential Areas
  • Barcelona Night
  • Barcelona Port

Who we are

We are a specialized company which offers its clients all the services to cover all their needs, as much in business by means of investments in establishment and companies purchase, urban projects development, real estate purchase… Including the legal strategy in the decision making process of these businesses.

At leisure and tourism area we help and offer to our clients to enjoy our country and its possibilities.

Our clients have a Premium treatment in all their stay, taking care the stay will be totally satisfactory.

Our main clients are from countries as Russia, China, Arabian countries, United States of America, Japan, Europe…

Our added value is the capacity to develop diverse projects, companies purchasing, urban development, industrial projects development, equipments (hotels, hospitals, residential, leisure…), real state, and the search of investors and projects generating a Investors Pool capable to generate profitable projects.

Our experience at length contrasted. We have own projects of high strategic interest

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